Engineering students conducting an experiment in the lab

Reporting equations and nomenclature

Don’t be afraid to have a go - the quiz won’t count towards your overall course progress but should help you to better understand what goes in an Introduction section.

Quiz rules

  • Quizzes do not count towards your course score, they are just to help you learn
  • Select what you consider to be the correct answer to each question and click the "check my answers" button at the bottom of the page.
  • Feedback will appear below each question.
  • You may retake the quiz as many times as you wish to answer all the questions question correctly.

Question 1

Take a look at this nomenclature section from a technical report.
An example nomenclature section from a report
When reporting the mass flow rate at an inlet, what unit should you apply?

Question 2

Given the following nomenclature:
An example nomenclature section from a report
What symbols would you expect to see for the maximum temperature and in what unit?
Tmax in and K
maxT in and K
Tmax in and C
maxT in and C

Question 3

Given the following nomenclature:
An example nomenclature section from a report
If you were to add in another term for Pressure (symbol: P, Unit: kPa) where would it go in the nomenclature?
After Mass flow rate
After Temperature
After Specific Heat Capacity
Before Surface Area

Question 4

Given the following equation:
An example equation from a report
Which terms would need to be defined?
All of the above

Question 5

What is important to remember about equations in reports?
You should repeat the equation every time you use it.
To include all the equations you can think of.
To number the equation so you can refer to it when needed.
They make you look clever.
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